Progress in the 50-70s from increasing number of people going to universities, increasing number of scientists and engineers
Will the next wave of progress come from the developing nations? (China, India?, Africa?)
Unprecedented economic growth (in the USA) from 1870 to 1970, due to 2nd industrial revolution
- elictricty, light, evelators, machines
- internal combustion engine, vehicles, air transport,
- telephone, phonograph, movies, radio, TV
- Running water, sewer pipers, conquest of infant mortality
- chemicals, plastics, antibiotics, modern medicine
- utter change in working conditions, job & home
3rd industrial revolution since 1960s: only evolution
- entertainment: TV from color to time-shifting and streaming
- information: from mainframes to PCs, web and e-commerce
- from land lines to mobile phones
- productivity enhancers, atm, bar code scanning
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