The Case against Advertisement
Advertisement Tax
Triggers Consume and Waste
Attention Sink
- Why-you-will-never-escape-ads-by-paying-for-content/
- Is Advertising Morally Justifiable? The Importance of Protecting Our Attention
= Hate advertisement =
- Steels attention
- Advertisement tax: with nearly everything you buy, you also pay for advertisement
In 2014 German companies paid 41 billion (41e9) Euros for advertisement, that’s approx. 525€ per person per year, or ~3% of an average’s person net income.
= FlattrPlus =
- how is the money distributed
- will only sites without any ads be flattred?
- how much does Flattr/AdblockPlus take (10% as Flattr seems to be quite a lot)?
- will you track me, or will my browser just upload which side I want to pay how much?
- why is there an annoying auto-playing video on flattrplus?