The newsfeed will now be available under a new url, for now there will be only an RSS feed.
khal v0.2 released
A new release of khal is here: khal v0.2.0 (also available on pypi).
If you want to update your installation from pypi, you can run sudo pip install --upgrade khal.
From now on khal relies on vdirsyncer for CalDAV sync. While this makes khal a bit more complicated to setup, vdirsyncer is much better tested than khal and also the bus factor increased (at least for parts of the project).
You might want to head over to the tutorial on how to setup vdirsyncer. Afterwards you will need to re-setup your khal configuration (copy the new example config file), also you will need to delete your old (local) database, so please make sure you did sync everything.
Also khal's command line syntax changed qutie a bit, so you might want to head over the documentation.
khal v0.1.1 released
A small bugfix release: khal v0.1.0 Example config file now in source dist.
khal v0.1 released
The first release of khal is here: khal v0.1.0 (and also available on pypi now).
The next release, hopefully coming rather sooner than later, will get rid of its own CalDAV implementation, but instead use vdirsyncer; you can already try it out via checking out the branch vdir at github.
pycarddav and khal at 30c3
If you will be 30C3 and would like to discuss the faults and merits of khal or pycarddav, commandline calendaring/addressbooking in general, your ideas or just have a beer or mate, I'd love to meet up. You can find my contact details under Feedback.
Call for Testing
While there isn't a release yet, khal is, at least partly, in a usable shape by now. Please report any errors you stumble upon and improvement suggestions you have either via email or github (if you don't have any privacy concerns etc. I'd prefer you use github since it is public, but I'll soon set up a mailing list). TODO.rst gives you an idea about the plans I currently have for khal's near future.
khal is a CLI (console) calendar build around CalDAV•
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