You can install khal from source by executing:
pip install git+git://
Make sure you have sqlite3 (normally available by default), icalendar, urwid (>0.9) and pyxdg installed.
khal has so far been successfully tested on recent versions of FreeBSD, NetBSD, Debian and Ubuntu with python 2.7.
copy khal.conf.sample to ~/.khal/khal.conf or ~/.config/khal/khal.conf and edit to your liking.
To get khal working with CalDAV you will first need to setup vdirsyncer. After each start khal will automatically check if anything has changed and automatically update its caching db (this may take some time after the initial sync, especially for large calendar collections). Therefore you might want to execute khal automatically after syncing with vdirsyncer (e.g. via cron).
basic usage
khal calendar
will show a calendar of this and the next two month and today's and tomorrow's events
khal agenda
will show today's and tomorrow's events
khal interactive
opens an interactive calendar browser, showing all events on the selected day. See below for usage notes on ikhal.
khal can be configured to execute on command (calendar, agenda or interactive) when no other command is given (see the provided example config).
quick event adding
khal new 18:00 Awesome Event
adds a new event starting today at 18:00 with summary 'awesome event' (lasting for the default time of one hour, will be configurable soon) to the default calendar
khal new 25.10. 16:00 18:00 Another Event :: with Alice and Bob
adds a new event on 25th of October lasting from 16:00 to 18:00 with additional description
khal new 26.07. Great Event
adds a new all day event on 26.07.
khal new should understand the following syntax:
khal new startdatetime [enddatetime] description
where start- and enddatetime are either datetimes or times in the formats defined in the config file. Start- and enddatetime can be one of the following:
- datetime datetime: start and end datetime specified, if no year is given (like the non-long version of dateformat, see config file, should allow), this year is used.
- datetime time: end date will be same as start date, unless that would make the event end before it has started, then the next day is used as end date
- datetime: event will last for defaulttime
- time time: event starting today at the first time and ending today at the second time, unless that would make the event end before it has started, then the next day is used as end date
- time: event starting today at time, lasting for the default length
- date date: all day event starting on the first and ending on the last event
- date: all day event starting at given date and lasting for default length
At the moment default length is either 1h or 1 day (should be configurable soon, too).
Use the arrow keys to navigate in the calendar. Press 'tab' or 'enter' to move the focus into the events column and 'left arrow' to return the focus to the calendar area. You can navigate the events column with the up and down arrows and view an event via pressing 'enter'. Pressing 'd' will delete an event (a 'D' will appear in front of the events description, or 'RO' if you cannot delete that event). Pressing 'd' again will undelete that event.
When viewing an event's details, pressing 'enter' again will open the currently selected event in a simple event editor; you can navigate with the arrow keys again. As long as the event has not been edited you can leave the editor with pressing 'escape'. Once it has been edited you need to move down the 'Cancel' button and press the 'enter' key to discard your edits or press the 'Save' button to save your edits (and upload them on the next sync).
While the calendar area is focused, pressing 'n' will add a new event on the currently selected date.
Notes on Timezones
Getting localized time right, seems to be the most difficult part about calendaring (and messing it up ends in missing the one imported meeting of the week). So I'll briefly describe here, how khal tries to handle timezone information, which information it can handle and which it can't.
All datetimes are saved to the local database as UTC Time. Datetimes that are already UTC Time, e.g. 19980119T070000Z are saved as such. Datetimes in local time and with a time zone reference that khal can understand (Olson database) are converted to UTC and than saved, e.g. TZID=America/New_York:19980119T020000. Floating times, e.g. 19980118T230000 (datetimes which are neither UTC nor have a timezone specified) are treated as if the default timezone (specified in khal's config file) was specified. Datetimes with a specified timezone that khal does not understand are treated as if they were floating time.
khal expects you want all start and end dates displayed in local time (which can be configured in the config file).
VTIMEZONE components of calendars are totally ignored at the moment, as are daylight saving times, instead it assumes that the TZID of DTSTART and DTEND properties are valid OlsonDB values, e.g. America/New_York (seems to be the default for at least the calendar applications I tend to use).
To summarize: as long as you are always in the same timezone and your calendar is, too, khal probably shows the right start and end times. Otherwise: Good Luck!
Seriously: be careful when changing timezones and do check if khal shows the correct times anyway (and please report back if it doesn't).
Standards Compliance
khal tries to follow standards and RFCs whereever possible. Known intentional and unintentional deviations are listed here:
Events with neither END nor DURATION
- While the RFC states
- A calendar entry with a "DTSTART" property but no "DTEND" property does not take up any time. It is intended to represent an event that is associated with a given calendar date and time of day, such as an anniversary. Since the event does not take up any time, it MUST NOT be used to record busy time no matter what the value for the "TRANSP" property.
khal transforms those events into all-day events lasting for one day (the start date). As long a those events do not get edited, these changes will not be written to the vdir (and with that to the CalDAV server). Any timezone information that was associated with the start date gets discarded.